ტოლერანტობის და მრავალფეროვნების ინსტიტუტი


What has changed after ending the state of emergency in Georgia ?

After ending the state of emergency in Georgia:

•            Curfew was lifted;

•            All cars, except taxi, may carry more than three passengers;

•            A taxi driver must wear a mask and may carry only two passengers in the back seat;

•            Assemblies and manifestations are allowed;

•            Practical/lab works and exams may be held at universities in accordance with the Health Ministry recommendations.


Restrictions remain on:

•            Service to customers in restaurants, bars, cafés and any type of canteen;

•            Purchase of clothes and shoes (except for online shopping);

•            Operation of shopping malls, fitness and cultural centers;

•            Public transport, including metro, buses, cable cars and railway;

•            Gathering of more than 10 people for a social event (for example, weddings, concerts, birthday parties, funeral gatherings etc.);

•            Schools and universities shall continue remote education classes;

•            Everyone shall wear face masks indoors.